October 2022
There is a lot that could be explored this month but I have decided to focus on the coming Solar Eclipse on October 25 and the Retrograde Cycle of Mars.
Mars is currently shining more brightly in the evening sky as He makes its closest approach to the Earth in its two year cycle. The peak of brightness will be around December 8 at the time of the exact opposition with the Sun. If you would like to observe Mars as he comes closer, he is currently rising soon after midnight and setting [Melbourne time] by 10am. Around 5am He will be almost directly overhead.
I couldn’t resist having a look at Queen Elizabeth’s chart and transits but have just copied them at the end of the newsletter for your interest with a few comments.
Christine Rothwell
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.christine-rothwell.com
October begins with Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Chiron, Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury all retrograde and with Mars joining them on October 31.
Note: All the dates below are for Australian Eastern Daylight Time.
The month starts with seven planets retrograde - Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto – but by the end of the month Mercury, Pluto and Saturn have moved direct while Mars stations retrograde on October 31 {AEDT}.
Remember, whenever a planet goes retrograde [appears to move backward from our vantage point on Mother Earth] we have an opportunity to develop a new perspective on how we relate to its energy, especially regards the affairs of the house it is transiting as well as any planets it is activating during the retrograde phase. A doorway opens and we can develop a more objective viewpoint. It suggests a time when reflection and introversion can reveal a new way forward if we are willing to consciously engage with the process.
Mercury Retrograde: September 10 to October 2
Mercury stationed retrograde on September 10 at close to 9 degrees of Libra and remains retrograde until October 2 when it turns direct at close to 24 degrees of Virgo, but the whole retrograde cycle began on August 21 and continues until October 17 when Mercury leaves the retrograde loop.
As the new cycle began at 0 Libra, it challenges us to re-view and re-evaluate all things connected with this archetype, including our relationships and sense of fairness and social justice, as well as our needs to harmony and balance and the price we may pay to maintain this balance. PLUS, we may be challenged to review the affairs of the house where the retrograde action takes place in your horoscope [24 Virgo to 9 Libra].
Remember, Mercury retrograde always provides us with the opportunity to free our thinking from habitual ruts and develop a more conscious set of mental attitudes and beliefs.
Solar Eclipse in Scorpio: October 25
The October November Eclipses are both very potent with the Solar Eclipse on October 25 in Scorpio forming a stellium with Venus and Mercury [and a wide square to Pluto] while the Lunar Eclipse on November 8 is conjunct Uranus and square to Saturn. I will talk about the Lunar Eclipse next month.
Eclipses can herald a crisis, but they also provide the opportunity to wipe the slate clean and start again. In essence, Solar Eclipses are very potent New Moons that mark endings and beginnings.
This eclipse will highlight:
Mars is currently shining more brightly in the evening sky as He makes its closest approach to the Earth in its two year cycle. The peak of brightness will be around December 8 at the time of the exact opposition with the Sun. If you would like to observe Mars as he comes closer, he is currently rising soon after midnight and setting [Melbourne time] by 10am. Around 5am He will be almost directly overhead.
I couldn’t resist having a look at Queen Elizabeth’s chart and transits but have just copied them at the end of the newsletter for your interest with a few comments.
Christine Rothwell
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.christine-rothwell.com
- Solar Eclipse on October 25
- Mars Retrograde Cycle
- Queen Elizabeth’s chart and Tri-Wheel
- 2022 Astrology Classes & Consultations
October begins with Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Chiron, Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury all retrograde and with Mars joining them on October 31.
Note: All the dates below are for Australian Eastern Daylight Time.
- October 2: Mercury stations direct at 24 Virgo
- October 9: Pluto stations direct at 26 Capricorn
- October 23: Saturn stations direct at close to 19 Aquarius
October 10: Full Moon in Aries - October 23: Sun to Scorpio
- October 25: Solar Eclipse / New Moon at 2 Scorpio
- October 28: Jupiter retrogrades back to Pisces
- October 31: Mars stations retrograde at close to 26 Gemini
The month starts with seven planets retrograde - Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto – but by the end of the month Mercury, Pluto and Saturn have moved direct while Mars stations retrograde on October 31 {AEDT}.
Remember, whenever a planet goes retrograde [appears to move backward from our vantage point on Mother Earth] we have an opportunity to develop a new perspective on how we relate to its energy, especially regards the affairs of the house it is transiting as well as any planets it is activating during the retrograde phase. A doorway opens and we can develop a more objective viewpoint. It suggests a time when reflection and introversion can reveal a new way forward if we are willing to consciously engage with the process.
Mercury Retrograde: September 10 to October 2
Mercury stationed retrograde on September 10 at close to 9 degrees of Libra and remains retrograde until October 2 when it turns direct at close to 24 degrees of Virgo, but the whole retrograde cycle began on August 21 and continues until October 17 when Mercury leaves the retrograde loop.
As the new cycle began at 0 Libra, it challenges us to re-view and re-evaluate all things connected with this archetype, including our relationships and sense of fairness and social justice, as well as our needs to harmony and balance and the price we may pay to maintain this balance. PLUS, we may be challenged to review the affairs of the house where the retrograde action takes place in your horoscope [24 Virgo to 9 Libra].
Remember, Mercury retrograde always provides us with the opportunity to free our thinking from habitual ruts and develop a more conscious set of mental attitudes and beliefs.
Solar Eclipse in Scorpio: October 25
The October November Eclipses are both very potent with the Solar Eclipse on October 25 in Scorpio forming a stellium with Venus and Mercury [and a wide square to Pluto] while the Lunar Eclipse on November 8 is conjunct Uranus and square to Saturn. I will talk about the Lunar Eclipse next month.
Eclipses can herald a crisis, but they also provide the opportunity to wipe the slate clean and start again. In essence, Solar Eclipses are very potent New Moons that mark endings and beginnings.
This eclipse will highlight:
- The house where 2 Scorpio is located in your horoscope
- Any planets or points between around 27 degrees of cardinal signs and 7 degrees of fixed signs: ie:- the last three degrees of cardinal signs , especially Libra and Aries [but also Cancer and Capricorn] as well as the first 7 degrees of fixed signs, especially Scorpio and Taurus [but also Leo and Aquarius].
The eclipse path falls over Europe with the Russia being under the spotlight as it be be able to see over 75% of the Sun eclipsed. I have added some information about this at the end of this section.
Eclipses are markers in the Nodal Cycle and can mark major turning points and sudden changes of direction. They sometimes act as catalysts for major changes that serve our soul’s growth, but we may feel changes are being forced on us as they can challenge our resilience and flexibility. This eclipse is a south nodal eclipse, emphasizing the need to learn from the past and become conscious of where we may be stuck. There may be something we need to let go of so we can move forward in our lives.
Eclipses - especially conjunct the South Node - provide opportunities for us to face our demons and the self-sabotaging beliefs and habits that are lurking in the shadows of the unconscious and sub-conscious mind. If we take a soul centred perspective, this can be a time powerful to enter into a dialogue with our ‘demons’ and allow them to transform as they come into the light.
On a more fundamental level, the Scorpio Solar Eclipse will highlight the affairs of the house where 2 degrees of Scorpio falls and may challenge us with issues around power, control, trust, intimacy and safety.
Scorpio’s reputation for control is a fear-based reaction of ‘holding on’ while the challenge is to ‘let go’ control and learn to trust in the Self and allow the free flowing of feeling.
Note: The Eclipse and Russia
This eclipse falls on the Ascendant in the chart of Vladimir Putin [if the reported time of birth is accurate] and the IC for Russia. The main eclipse path is also through Russia where over 75% of the Sun will be eclipsed.
This suggests that this eclipse will mark a pivotal time for both Russia and its President.
Eclipses - especially conjunct the South Node - provide opportunities for us to face our demons and the self-sabotaging beliefs and habits that are lurking in the shadows of the unconscious and sub-conscious mind. If we take a soul centred perspective, this can be a time powerful to enter into a dialogue with our ‘demons’ and allow them to transform as they come into the light.
On a more fundamental level, the Scorpio Solar Eclipse will highlight the affairs of the house where 2 degrees of Scorpio falls and may challenge us with issues around power, control, trust, intimacy and safety.
Scorpio’s reputation for control is a fear-based reaction of ‘holding on’ while the challenge is to ‘let go’ control and learn to trust in the Self and allow the free flowing of feeling.
Note: The Eclipse and Russia
This eclipse falls on the Ascendant in the chart of Vladimir Putin [if the reported time of birth is accurate] and the IC for Russia. The main eclipse path is also through Russia where over 75% of the Sun will be eclipsed.
This suggests that this eclipse will mark a pivotal time for both Russia and its President.
Mars Stations Retrograde on October 31: 8 to 25 degrees of Gemini
Mars stations retrograde on October 31 [AEDT] at close to 25 degrees of Gemini and will remain retrograde until January 13 when He turns direct at close to 8 degrees of Gemini.
We know Mars as the Roman God of War and in astrology he symbolizes the action principle and our inner warrior. Normally Mars moves fairly fast through each sign of the zodiac [around two months per sign], but when he prepares to move retrograde his movement slows and he spends several months in one sign and often one house in the personal horoscope. This can sometimes lead to a time of frustration and delays as we are asked to review our actions, goals and modus operandi.
Whenever Mars goes retrograde we have the opportunity to become conscious of habitual actions, reactions and responses. We are challenged to reflect on how we go about getting what we want and how we
… especially in the house where Mars is retrograding in our personal birth-chart and in relation to any planets it may aspect at this time.
Note that the area of your chart [house] where 8 to 23 degrees of Gemini is located as this may be where you will personally experience the retrograde phenomena. Any planets located between 8 and 23 degrees of mutable signs – Gemini, Vigo, Sagittarius and Pisces – will receive three exact challenging ‘hits’ from Mars, instead of the usual one hit.
As Mars will retrograde in the sign of Gemini we may be challenged to look at how we relate to this archetype, especially in the house[s] where this is happening. Gemini is very logical, curious and open but easily distracted.
We may need to reflect on whether we:
Here are the key dates and degrees for the 2022 Mars retrograde cycle:
AS Mars appears to move retrograde when it is at its closest to Earth, this proximity can release repressed anger, especially at the exact opposition to the Sun which this cycle is December 8. Please take note of this date and try to avoid emotional reactions that can lead to arguments.
Remember, this is an opportunity to become conscious of our patterns in these areas and TO CONSCIOUSLY ACT DIFFERENTLY, not just react to circumstances.
If we find ourselves angry we may realize that we have the choice whether to
Beware that if we repress our anger we may fall into depression, so try to find ways to stay connected to your feelings. Our feelings are always a guidance system from our soul, so any anger /depression needs attention and space to communicate its deeper roots to our conscious self.
Used productively this is a time to
…and reflect of whether there is a MORE EFFECTIVE way of doing it!
In short it is an INVITATION TO BECOME CONSCIOUS of how you are using your energy as well as your assertive & aggressive impulses in a specific area of your life and to decide if you want to continue this pattern. The possibility exists for CHANGE and the BREAKING OF HABITUAL PATTERNS OF ACTION AND REACTION.
Queen Elizabeth II
Below is the chart for Queen Elizabeth II for your interest. Her practicality, strong sense of duty and earthiness is very evident with a Taurus Sun, Capricorn Ascendant and a strong Saturn. Her Moon in Leo could also rise to the occasion when called. More hidden, and perhaps projected is her strong Uranus / Aquarius and Neptune.
Mars stations retrograde on October 31 [AEDT] at close to 25 degrees of Gemini and will remain retrograde until January 13 when He turns direct at close to 8 degrees of Gemini.
We know Mars as the Roman God of War and in astrology he symbolizes the action principle and our inner warrior. Normally Mars moves fairly fast through each sign of the zodiac [around two months per sign], but when he prepares to move retrograde his movement slows and he spends several months in one sign and often one house in the personal horoscope. This can sometimes lead to a time of frustration and delays as we are asked to review our actions, goals and modus operandi.
Whenever Mars goes retrograde we have the opportunity to become conscious of habitual actions, reactions and responses. We are challenged to reflect on how we go about getting what we want and how we
- Utilize our inner warrior
- Express or repress our aggressive and competitive urges
- Deal with anger and assertion
… especially in the house where Mars is retrograding in our personal birth-chart and in relation to any planets it may aspect at this time.
Note that the area of your chart [house] where 8 to 23 degrees of Gemini is located as this may be where you will personally experience the retrograde phenomena. Any planets located between 8 and 23 degrees of mutable signs – Gemini, Vigo, Sagittarius and Pisces – will receive three exact challenging ‘hits’ from Mars, instead of the usual one hit.
As Mars will retrograde in the sign of Gemini we may be challenged to look at how we relate to this archetype, especially in the house[s] where this is happening. Gemini is very logical, curious and open but easily distracted.
We may need to reflect on whether we:
- Are too adaptable / impressionable?
- Over-think things?
- Are too easily distracted?
- Tend to avoid feeling by being too raional?
Here are the key dates and degrees for the 2022 Mars retrograde cycle:
- Mars entered Gemini on August 20
- Mars entered the retrograde loop on September 4 at close to 8 Gemini
- Mars stations retrograde on October 31 at close to 26 Gemini
- Mars opposite the Sun on December 8 at 16 degrees Gemini
- Mars stations direct at close to 8 Gemini on January 13
- Mars leaves the retrograde loop when it reaches 25 Gemini on March 16
AS Mars appears to move retrograde when it is at its closest to Earth, this proximity can release repressed anger, especially at the exact opposition to the Sun which this cycle is December 8. Please take note of this date and try to avoid emotional reactions that can lead to arguments.
Remember, this is an opportunity to become conscious of our patterns in these areas and TO CONSCIOUSLY ACT DIFFERENTLY, not just react to circumstances.
If we find ourselves angry we may realize that we have the choice whether to
- Blame others, hold onto our anger and resist self-reflection
- Look within to see what our Higher Self is trying to bring to awareness and gain clarity, perspective and objectivity that can lead to lasting change.
Beware that if we repress our anger we may fall into depression, so try to find ways to stay connected to your feelings. Our feelings are always a guidance system from our soul, so any anger /depression needs attention and space to communicate its deeper roots to our conscious self.
Used productively this is a time to
- slow down and back off
- rethink strategies [especially if there are obstacles]
- reflect on WHAT you are doing
- reflect on WHY you are doing it
- reflect on HOW you are doing it
…and reflect of whether there is a MORE EFFECTIVE way of doing it!
In short it is an INVITATION TO BECOME CONSCIOUS of how you are using your energy as well as your assertive & aggressive impulses in a specific area of your life and to decide if you want to continue this pattern. The possibility exists for CHANGE and the BREAKING OF HABITUAL PATTERNS OF ACTION AND REACTION.
Queen Elizabeth II
Below is the chart for Queen Elizabeth II for your interest. Her practicality, strong sense of duty and earthiness is very evident with a Taurus Sun, Capricorn Ascendant and a strong Saturn. Her Moon in Leo could also rise to the occasion when called. More hidden, and perhaps projected is her strong Uranus / Aquarius and Neptune.
May the Goddess & God Bless You All
[email protected]
2022 & 2023 Astrology Classes
Beginners through to Advanced Classes
New Students welcome anytime
Please contact Christine for a brochure.
Christine offers an in-depth psychological and mythological approach to astrology. Her classes are suitable for those individuals who are wishing to learn more about themselves as well as those interested in becoming a professional astrologer.
All classes are now live on Zoom. Video files are provided for any classes you miss, and it is possible to enroll for video content only [correspondence].
First Year/ Beginners’
7pm Tuesday evenings in 2022 / Thursday night in 2023
…focuses on learning how to read / delineate a horoscope and covers the elements, signs, planets, houses, aspects etc.
Second Year / Intermediate
7pm Thursday evenings in 2022 / Tuesday night in 2023
…focuses on additional points and themes in the horoscope [ lunation cycle, asteroids, Eris, Medical Astrology, Career] and Dynamic [predictive] Techniques: Transits & Progressions.
Advanced Group
Second Saturday afternoon each month.
The Advanced Classes give you the opportunity to integrate what you have learned through a seminar format that allows exposure to more advanced techniques and psychological perspectives, plus the opportunity to develop your delineation skills.
Please ring or email for a brochure.
[email protected]
For more information
are now on Zoom and are still recorded so the sound file link can be sent to you via email.
Gift Certificates are available for most consultations.
AN INITIAL CONSULTATION explores the soul’s journey as revealed through the personal symbol of the birth chart. The focus is on the potential inherent in the birth chart and the challenges that need to be embraced to realize this potential.
Other readings available include:
In-depth Consultation: Two hours to explore both the soul’s journey [see above] and the year ahead. Includes 2 or 4 supplementary e-booklets.
Chart Up-date: The Year Ahead: Explores the year ahead from a psychological perspective.
Understanding Your Child: A wonderful gift for new parents and explores a child’s unique needs, motivations, potentials, and challenges.
Relocation: Explains how a different location may impact on your psyche. This can be helpful if you are thinking of re-locating and can be included with any of the above consultations.