January 2023
Welcome to 2023, another big year, astrologically, with two major collective shifts taking place: Pluto’s move into Aquarius and Saturn’s to Pisces …both in March.
This month I will focus on the two lunations and the completion of the current retrograde cycles of Mercury and Mars.
By the end of this month all the main planets will be moving direct, potentially freeing us to action plans that have may have been gestating for some time.
Best Wishes for 2023
Christine Rothwell
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.christine-rothwell.com
This month I will focus on the two lunations and the completion of the current retrograde cycles of Mercury and Mars.
By the end of this month all the main planets will be moving direct, potentially freeing us to action plans that have may have been gestating for some time.
Best Wishes for 2023
Christine Rothwell
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.christine-rothwell.com
January Early Bird Specials
For 2023 Astrology Classes ...enquire now
Year 1 begins on Thursday March 2.
Year 2 begins Tuesday February 14.
The Advanced Group commences on Saturday February 11.
January begins with Mercury, Mars & Uranus, retrograde but by the end of the month all planets will be moving direct.
Note: All the dates below are for Australian Eastern Daylight Time.
January Night Sky
All the visible planets other than the Sun can now be seen in the night sky, just after sunset.
Mars is now rising before Sunset and setting around 4am, local time so look to the North East soon after sunset to see the Red Planet then follow the ecliptic [path of the Sun ] to locate Jupiter.
Jupiter is till shining brightly, visible almost directly overhead soon after sunset, but setting by 1am.
Venus is now visible as the Evening Star and you will see Her soon after the sunset, low on the Western horizon. She is currently setting around 10pm so She will be visible for about an hour. Venus will conjunct the New Moon in Aquarius on January 23 although the New Moon may not yet be visible.
Mercury will be visible close to Venus [you may need binoculars as He is close to Venus early in the evening.
Follow the ecliptic [path of the un and Moon] and look a little higher that Venus to find Saturn.
You can use the chart below as a rough guide. The ASC /DESC is the horizon, and the right of the chart is the western sky, the left is the east, hence you can see the Sun has just set in the west and Venus and Mercury will soon follow.
- January Night Sky
- Full Moon in Cancer
- Mercury Direct
- Mars Direct
- New Moon in Aquarius
- 2023 Astrology Classes & Consultations
January begins with Mercury, Mars & Uranus, retrograde but by the end of the month all planets will be moving direct.
Note: All the dates below are for Australian Eastern Daylight Time.
- January 3: Venus to Aquarius
- January 7: Full Moon in Cancer
- January 13: Mars stations direct
- January 19: Mercury stations direct
- January 20: Sun to Aquarius
- January 22: New Moon in Aquarius /Chinese New Year
- January 23: Uranus stations direct
- January 27: Venus to Pisces
January Night Sky
All the visible planets other than the Sun can now be seen in the night sky, just after sunset.
Mars is now rising before Sunset and setting around 4am, local time so look to the North East soon after sunset to see the Red Planet then follow the ecliptic [path of the Sun ] to locate Jupiter.
Jupiter is till shining brightly, visible almost directly overhead soon after sunset, but setting by 1am.
Venus is now visible as the Evening Star and you will see Her soon after the sunset, low on the Western horizon. She is currently setting around 10pm so She will be visible for about an hour. Venus will conjunct the New Moon in Aquarius on January 23 although the New Moon may not yet be visible.
Mercury will be visible close to Venus [you may need binoculars as He is close to Venus early in the evening.
Follow the ecliptic [path of the un and Moon] and look a little higher that Venus to find Saturn.
You can use the chart below as a rough guide. The ASC /DESC is the horizon, and the right of the chart is the western sky, the left is the east, hence you can see the Sun has just set in the west and Venus and Mercury will soon follow.
January 7 Full Moon in Cancer
The Full Moon on January 7 falls on the same day as the midpoint of the Mercury retrograde cycle, which marks the beginning of a new Mercury Synodic Cycle. This is the time when Mercury is retrograde and conjuncts the Sun. Mercury is therefore opposite the full moon, suggesting that this can be a potent time for reflection, especially regards how we relate to the Cancer Capricorn polarity, and if know your chart, regards the houses in your personal horoscope where these signs are located.
The activation of the Cancer / Capricorn polarity invites reflection on how we balance home life and career, public and private life, nurturing and authority, bonding and setting boundaries. This year the lunation will activate any planets or points within a 5-degree orb of the 16 degree Cancer full moon; around 11 to 21 degrees of cardinal signs: Capricorn, Cancer, Aries and Libra points.
The square to Chiron invites us to open to the healing images in our dreams that may lead to greater self-acceptance.
The Full Moon on January 7 falls on the same day as the midpoint of the Mercury retrograde cycle, which marks the beginning of a new Mercury Synodic Cycle. This is the time when Mercury is retrograde and conjuncts the Sun. Mercury is therefore opposite the full moon, suggesting that this can be a potent time for reflection, especially regards how we relate to the Cancer Capricorn polarity, and if know your chart, regards the houses in your personal horoscope where these signs are located.
The activation of the Cancer / Capricorn polarity invites reflection on how we balance home life and career, public and private life, nurturing and authority, bonding and setting boundaries. This year the lunation will activate any planets or points within a 5-degree orb of the 16 degree Cancer full moon; around 11 to 21 degrees of cardinal signs: Capricorn, Cancer, Aries and Libra points.
The square to Chiron invites us to open to the healing images in our dreams that may lead to greater self-acceptance.
New Mercury Cycle begins January 7 then Mercury Stations Direct on January 18 at close to 8 degrees of Capricorn.
Key dates:
During the retrograde phase we have the opportunity to see certain areas of our life from a new, potentially more conscious perspective, especially regards:
The Inferior Conjunction on January 7 marks the beginning of a new Synodic Cycle of Mercury and is a potent time for inner work to reflect on issues where we may feel stuck, especially regards the house [and any planets] around 17 degrees of Capricorn. Answers and solutions may appear, but it may be best to sit with them until Mercury is established in its forward momentum before pushing too hard to make them happen.
As the new cycle begins in Capricorn, it intensifies the challenge to re-view and re-evaluate all things connected with this archetype, and could activate issues around our:
…be open to insights and shifts, especially with the Full Moon on this day!
Key dates:
- Mercury retrograde from December 29 at close to 24 degrees of Capricorn until January 18 when it stations direct at close to 8 degrees of Capricorn.
- Mercury in the retrograde loop from around December 17 to February 7.
- The new Mercury Cycle begins around January 7 at close to 17 Capricorn when Mercury makes it inferior conjunction with the Sun on the day of the Full Moon.
During the retrograde phase we have the opportunity to see certain areas of our life from a new, potentially more conscious perspective, especially regards:
- the affairs of the house where the retrograde action takes place in your horoscope [8 to 24 Capricorn].
- Any planets any points that fall between 8 and 24 degrees of cardinal signs: Cancer / Capricorn and Aries / Libra and are therefore being activated by Mercury.
The Inferior Conjunction on January 7 marks the beginning of a new Synodic Cycle of Mercury and is a potent time for inner work to reflect on issues where we may feel stuck, especially regards the house [and any planets] around 17 degrees of Capricorn. Answers and solutions may appear, but it may be best to sit with them until Mercury is established in its forward momentum before pushing too hard to make them happen.
As the new cycle begins in Capricorn, it intensifies the challenge to re-view and re-evaluate all things connected with this archetype, and could activate issues around our:
- authority, responsibility, boundaries
- insecurities, fears of rejection / inadequacy /failure
- activation of the inner [and outer] critic.
…be open to insights and shifts, especially with the Full Moon on this day!
Mars Stations Direct on January 13 …potentially freeing up blocked energy and paving the way for more forward momentum, and especially regards the area of your life symbolized by the house where Mars has been on His retrograde journey: 8 to 24 degrees of Gemini.
Remember, Mars stationed retrograde on October 31 [AEDT] at close to 24 degrees of Gemini but He will not leave the ‘retrograde loop’ until around March 16 when He reaches 24 Gemini.
Mars retrograde has been providing us with the opportunity to become more conscious of habitual actions, reactions and responses and to reflect on how we go about getting what we want and how we utilize our inner warrior … especially in the house where Mars is retrograding in our personal birth-chart and in relation to any planets it may aspect at this time.
Used productively this is a time to
…and most importantly, reflect of whether there is a MORE EFFECTIVE way of doing it!
…and the time from January 13 onwards is time to start to put into action the new [and perhaps frustrated] plans that we have had the chance to re-evaluate and refine during the retrograde phase. If you want to work with this energy don’t push too hard for a week or two when Mars will have had the chance to build some forward momentum.
The January New Moon on January 22 at 1 Aquarius 33 is also Chinese New Year and marks the beginning of the Year of the Rabbit.
Chinese New Year is traditionally time to honour the ancestors, let go the past year and give thanks for safe passage. As it is also a time of new beginnings it is common to ask for blessings for the year ahead. For those of you who have not set your intentions for the 2023, this New Moon can provide another opportunity to clear your clutter – physically, emotionally and mentally – and reflect on what you need to embrace to move forward in your life. With most of the retrograde energy shifting it does feel an auspicious start to the New Year.
This New Moon is also a Super Moon with Pluto in a tight conjunction to the Sun and Moon. This suggests it could be a year of transformation, especially for people born with planets around very late Capricorn and very early Aquarius or late cardinal or early fixed signs [Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn as well as Taurus, Leo, Scorpio & Aquarius]. Pluto invites and challenges us to shed outworn identities and self-limiting patterns that we have held onto due to fear, grief or anger.
Pluto always invites us to take a deep dive and own our shadow. Often patterns and defenses that arise from our need to protect ourselves from facing whatever we may have buried deep in the psyche become more evident and available for transformational work.
- The most chaotic times are when Mercury stations – the few days around December 29 & January 18 when Mercury adjusts to the change of direction.
- Mercury retrograde always provides us with the opportunity to free our thinking from habitual ruts and develop a more conscious set of mental attitudes and beliefs.
Mars Stations Direct on January 13 …potentially freeing up blocked energy and paving the way for more forward momentum, and especially regards the area of your life symbolized by the house where Mars has been on His retrograde journey: 8 to 24 degrees of Gemini.
Remember, Mars stationed retrograde on October 31 [AEDT] at close to 24 degrees of Gemini but He will not leave the ‘retrograde loop’ until around March 16 when He reaches 24 Gemini.
Mars retrograde has been providing us with the opportunity to become more conscious of habitual actions, reactions and responses and to reflect on how we go about getting what we want and how we utilize our inner warrior … especially in the house where Mars is retrograding in our personal birth-chart and in relation to any planets it may aspect at this time.
Used productively this is a time to
- slow down and back off
- rethink strategies [especially if there are obstacles]
- reflect on WHAT you are doing
- reflect on WHY you are doing it
- reflect on HOW you are doing it
…and most importantly, reflect of whether there is a MORE EFFECTIVE way of doing it!
…and the time from January 13 onwards is time to start to put into action the new [and perhaps frustrated] plans that we have had the chance to re-evaluate and refine during the retrograde phase. If you want to work with this energy don’t push too hard for a week or two when Mars will have had the chance to build some forward momentum.
The January New Moon on January 22 at 1 Aquarius 33 is also Chinese New Year and marks the beginning of the Year of the Rabbit.
Chinese New Year is traditionally time to honour the ancestors, let go the past year and give thanks for safe passage. As it is also a time of new beginnings it is common to ask for blessings for the year ahead. For those of you who have not set your intentions for the 2023, this New Moon can provide another opportunity to clear your clutter – physically, emotionally and mentally – and reflect on what you need to embrace to move forward in your life. With most of the retrograde energy shifting it does feel an auspicious start to the New Year.
This New Moon is also a Super Moon with Pluto in a tight conjunction to the Sun and Moon. This suggests it could be a year of transformation, especially for people born with planets around very late Capricorn and very early Aquarius or late cardinal or early fixed signs [Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn as well as Taurus, Leo, Scorpio & Aquarius]. Pluto invites and challenges us to shed outworn identities and self-limiting patterns that we have held onto due to fear, grief or anger.
Pluto always invites us to take a deep dive and own our shadow. Often patterns and defenses that arise from our need to protect ourselves from facing whatever we may have buried deep in the psyche become more evident and available for transformational work.
Each year The New Moon in Aquarius emphasizes the Aquarian archetype, and it invites us to reflect on our friendships, group involvements and community involvement along with as our need to authentic.
The constructive Aquarian archetype suggests an ability to be open to change along with an altruistic / humanitarian perspective that embraces alternative viewpoints and perspectives. The shadow of Aquarius can be rigid in its thinking, contrary, demanding freedom to act with disregard for the rights of others. The urge to take polarized positions can manifest as the saboteur, outwardly and inwardly. This can lead to feelings of rejection and marginalization ...all ripe for shadow work at this New Moon.
The constructive Aquarian archetype suggests an ability to be open to change along with an altruistic / humanitarian perspective that embraces alternative viewpoints and perspectives. The shadow of Aquarius can be rigid in its thinking, contrary, demanding freedom to act with disregard for the rights of others. The urge to take polarized positions can manifest as the saboteur, outwardly and inwardly. This can lead to feelings of rejection and marginalization ...all ripe for shadow work at this New Moon.
May the Goddess & God Bless You All
[email protected]
2023 Astrology Classes
Beginners through to Advanced Classes
Early Bird Rates available this month; please contact Christine for a brochure.
Christine offers an in-depth psychological and mythological approach to astrology. Her classes are suitable for those individuals who are wishing to learn more about themselves as well as those interested in becoming a professional astrologer.
All classes are on Zoom. Video files are provided for any classes you miss, and it is possible to enrol for video content only [correspondence] at a reduced rate.
First Year/ Beginners’
7pm Thursday evenings in 2023
…focuses on learning how to read / delineate a horoscope and covers the elements, signs, planets, houses, aspects etc.
Second Year / Intermediate
7pm Tuesday evenings in 2023
…focuses on additional points and themes in the horoscope [ lunation cycle, asteroids, Eris, Medical Astrology, Career] and Dynamic [predictive] Techniques: Transits & Progressions.
Advanced Group
Second Saturday afternoon each month beginning February 11.
The Advanced Classes give you the opportunity to integrate what you have learned through a seminar format that allows exposure to more advanced techniques and psychological perspectives, plus the opportunity to develop your delineation skills.
Please email for a brochure at [email protected]
Or visit
For more information
are now on Zoom
and are still recorded so the sound file link can be sent to you via email.
Gift Certificates are available for most consultations.
explores the soul’s journey as revealed through the personal symbol of the birth chart. The focus is on the potential inherent in the birth chart and the challenges that need to be embraced to realize this potential.
Also available as an… In-depth Consultation
Two hours to explore both the soul’s journey [see above] and the year ahead. Includes 2 or 4 supplementary e-booklets.
Chart Up-date: The Year Ahead
Explores the year ahead from a psychological perspective.
Understanding Your Child:
A wonderful gift for new parents and explores a child’s unique needs, motivations, potentials, and challenges.
Explains how a different location may impact on your psyche. This can be helpful if you are thinking of re-locating and can be included with any of the above consultations.
[email protected]
2023 Astrology Classes
Beginners through to Advanced Classes
Early Bird Rates available this month; please contact Christine for a brochure.
Christine offers an in-depth psychological and mythological approach to astrology. Her classes are suitable for those individuals who are wishing to learn more about themselves as well as those interested in becoming a professional astrologer.
All classes are on Zoom. Video files are provided for any classes you miss, and it is possible to enrol for video content only [correspondence] at a reduced rate.
First Year/ Beginners’
7pm Thursday evenings in 2023
…focuses on learning how to read / delineate a horoscope and covers the elements, signs, planets, houses, aspects etc.
Second Year / Intermediate
7pm Tuesday evenings in 2023
…focuses on additional points and themes in the horoscope [ lunation cycle, asteroids, Eris, Medical Astrology, Career] and Dynamic [predictive] Techniques: Transits & Progressions.
Advanced Group
Second Saturday afternoon each month beginning February 11.
The Advanced Classes give you the opportunity to integrate what you have learned through a seminar format that allows exposure to more advanced techniques and psychological perspectives, plus the opportunity to develop your delineation skills.
Please email for a brochure at [email protected]
Or visit
For more information
are now on Zoom
and are still recorded so the sound file link can be sent to you via email.
Gift Certificates are available for most consultations.
explores the soul’s journey as revealed through the personal symbol of the birth chart. The focus is on the potential inherent in the birth chart and the challenges that need to be embraced to realize this potential.
Also available as an… In-depth Consultation
Two hours to explore both the soul’s journey [see above] and the year ahead. Includes 2 or 4 supplementary e-booklets.
Chart Up-date: The Year Ahead
Explores the year ahead from a psychological perspective.
Understanding Your Child:
A wonderful gift for new parents and explores a child’s unique needs, motivations, potentials, and challenges.
Explains how a different location may impact on your psyche. This can be helpful if you are thinking of re-locating and can be included with any of the above consultations.