August 2020 Newsletter
This newsletter is my attempt to make some sense of what is going on in the world and to encourage you to not to fall into the shadow side of Aries or Capricorn.
This month sees Mars transiting its own sign - Aries – and gearing up to station retrograde next month at 28 Aries. Mars has joined Chiron, Black Moon Lilith in Aries, putting a strong emphasis on the Aries archetype.
Both this newsletter and the next newsletter will attempt to deconstruct this phenomenon as the Aries stellium [Mars, Chiron, BML & Eris] acts as a trigger to the stellium in Capricorn [Jupiter Saturn and Capricorn], the key astrological signature of the current world chaos / crisis.
Christine Rothwell
Email: [email protected]
August begins with Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Neptune, and Pluto all retrograde with Uranus joining them when He stations retrograde on August 16.
Note: All the dates below are for Australian Eastern Time.
Aries & Capricorn: Rights versus Responsibilities
Mars began its transit of Aries on June 28, and then entered the retrograde loop on July 26, signalling the beginning of a potentially intense and volatile 6 months. Mars normally spends about 6 weeks in a sign, but roughly every two years when it undertakes its retrograde cycle it can spend up to several months in a sign [unless it retrogrades back to another sign], drawing attention to the archetypal energy of this sign and the space it occupies in our personal horoscope.
The Mars energy will be intensified over the last half of 2020 3 ways:
Looking at the amount of information involved, this month I have decided to simplify it all by analyzing the two conflicting archetypes which will dominate the last half of 2020 and focus on the retrograde phenomena next month. I am going to explore:
We now have two very powerful stelliums, both located in cardinal signs who both like to be in control, and each has their ruler potentially leading them. The two packs [stelliums in astro jargon], square each other, which is a tense aspect that suggests conflict and the need for skillful handling to allow a constructive dialogue to emerge.
For those of you who are interested, here are the key dates and degrees for the 2020 Mars retrograde cycle that will be explored in more detail in the September newsletter:
The key point to note here is that the area of your chart [house] where 15 to 28 Aries is located may be where you will personally experience tension. Any planets located in the last half of cardinal signs – Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn – will receive three exact challenging ‘hits’ from Mars, instead of the usual one hit.
Now, let us have a look at the aspects that Mars is making in the sky during this time frame before I attempt to delineate the essential nature of the conflict. Here is a timeline for Mars’ transit through the last half of Aries along with the aspects it makes during its journey:
…then repeats all the aspects 3 – 7 twice more:
Mars often acts as a catalyst or trigger to activate the transits of the slower moving heavy weight planets. Here are the dates for key transits for 2020 that Mars will trigger. These aspects have already been experienced once or twice already.
When I reflected on the two major archetypes – Aries versus Capricorn it came to me they symbolize a huge clash between our …
This month sees Mars transiting its own sign - Aries – and gearing up to station retrograde next month at 28 Aries. Mars has joined Chiron, Black Moon Lilith in Aries, putting a strong emphasis on the Aries archetype.
Both this newsletter and the next newsletter will attempt to deconstruct this phenomenon as the Aries stellium [Mars, Chiron, BML & Eris] acts as a trigger to the stellium in Capricorn [Jupiter Saturn and Capricorn], the key astrological signature of the current world chaos / crisis.
Christine Rothwell
Email: [email protected]
- Aries Versus Capricorn: Rights Versus Responsibilities
- August Lunations
- 2020 Astrology Classes
August begins with Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Neptune, and Pluto all retrograde with Uranus joining them when He stations retrograde on August 16.
Note: All the dates below are for Australian Eastern Time.
- August 4: Full Moon in Aquarius
- August 4: Mars square Jupiter
- August 5: Mercury to Leo
- August 8: Venus to Cancer
- August 10: Mars square Black Moon Lilith
- August 13: Mars square Pluto
- August 16: Uranus stations retrograde
- August 18: Mars conjunct Eris
- August 19: New Moon in Leo
- August 20: Mercury to Virgo
- August 23: Sun to Virgo
- August 25 Mars square Saturn
Aries & Capricorn: Rights versus Responsibilities
Mars began its transit of Aries on June 28, and then entered the retrograde loop on July 26, signalling the beginning of a potentially intense and volatile 6 months. Mars normally spends about 6 weeks in a sign, but roughly every two years when it undertakes its retrograde cycle it can spend up to several months in a sign [unless it retrogrades back to another sign], drawing attention to the archetypal energy of this sign and the space it occupies in our personal horoscope.
The Mars energy will be intensified over the last half of 2020 3 ways:
- Through transiting its own sign of Aries; Mars is the ruler of Mars and in its dignity.
- Through spending 3 - 4 times longer in the sign than usual.
- Joining 3 other significant planets/points there [Chiron, Black Moon Lilith and Eris], bringing a strong emphasis to the sign. Worth noting, is that this is a group of renegades and outsiders who don’t play by the rules.
Looking at the amount of information involved, this month I have decided to simplify it all by analyzing the two conflicting archetypes which will dominate the last half of 2020 and focus on the retrograde phenomena next month. I am going to explore:
- The Aries archetype, with Mars in its ruler-ship [dignity] in Aries along with Chiron, Black Moon Lilith and Eris with a few words about how Chiron’s perspective can give us a way forward.
- The Capricorn archetype, with Saturn in its ruler-ship [dignity] in Capricorn, along with Jupiter and Pluto.
We now have two very powerful stelliums, both located in cardinal signs who both like to be in control, and each has their ruler potentially leading them. The two packs [stelliums in astro jargon], square each other, which is a tense aspect that suggests conflict and the need for skillful handling to allow a constructive dialogue to emerge.
For those of you who are interested, here are the key dates and degrees for the 2020 Mars retrograde cycle that will be explored in more detail in the September newsletter:
- Mars enters Aries on June 28
- Mars enters the retrograde loop on July 28 at 15 Aries
- Mars stations retrograde on September 10 at 28 Aries
- Mars opposite the Sun on October 14
- Mars direct at 15 Aries on November 14
- Mars leaves the retrograde loop when it reaches 28 Aries for the last time on January 3 2021
The key point to note here is that the area of your chart [house] where 15 to 28 Aries is located may be where you will personally experience tension. Any planets located in the last half of cardinal signs – Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn – will receive three exact challenging ‘hits’ from Mars, instead of the usual one hit.
Now, let us have a look at the aspects that Mars is making in the sky during this time frame before I attempt to delineate the essential nature of the conflict. Here is a timeline for Mars’ transit through the last half of Aries along with the aspects it makes during its journey:
- June 28 – enters Aries
- July 26 – enters the retrograde loop
- August 4 – squares Jupiter
- August 10 – conjunct Black Moon Lilith
- August 13 – square Pluto
- August 18 – conjunct Eris
- August 25 – square Saturn
- Station retrograde on September 10
- Opposition the Sun on October 14
…then repeats all the aspects 3 – 7 twice more:
- Mars conjunct Black Moon Lilith on 23 September & 29 January
- Mars conjunct Eris on 4 October & 22 December
- Mars square Jupiter on October 19 & January 23
- Mars square Saturn on 30 September & 13 January
- Mars square Pluto on 10 October & 24 December
Mars often acts as a catalyst or trigger to activate the transits of the slower moving heavy weight planets. Here are the dates for key transits for 2020 that Mars will trigger. These aspects have already been experienced once or twice already.
- Jupiter conjunct Pluto on November 13
- Eris square Jupiter on November 18
- Eris square Pluto on December 11, then twice more in 2021
When I reflected on the two major archetypes – Aries versus Capricorn it came to me they symbolize a huge clash between our …
…and these Mars trigger points may suggest times when the conflicts can peak. Both signs are cardinal, both enjoy being in charge …and in their shadow, both can be bullies, albeit with very different motivations, but it is unrealistic to expect a simple or easy resolution as neither side is good at giving in as both can see it as a sign of weakness.
This discussion does not even touch on the virus and its political and economic implications …I will try to get my head around that next month, but the challenges there are being continually activated over the next several months and we may see more conflict[Mars in Aries]:
My suggestion is to try to make your peace with this conflict during August so you can have a clearer sense of where you stand and avoid getting drawn into unnecessary conflicts. Ultimately, we need to find ways of holding the tension between these quite different and potentially conflicting archetypes, respecting others’ viewpoints and seeing how we can create avenues for both archetypes to find expression and feel respected.
So, what is the essence of this conflict?
Mars in Aries is the Warrior and He is leading the Aries pack …as much as anyone can lead a group of Aries warriors who all have their own idea how to approach the battle. He also leads a group of wounded mavericks who [with the notable exception of Chiron] are not really interested in compromise and reconciliation. The Aries stellium wants the FREEDOM to do its own thing, but it is not very organized, especially with Eris in there, undermining everyone just for the fun of it. Team Aries is represents the committed LIBERTARIANS among us who are spoiling for a fight to protect their freedom and autonomy …they are not going to let anyone else tell them what to do, when they can do it or how it must be done. The typical Aries /Mars response to a threat is the flight or fight response …it is reactive and instinctual and happens before the logical mind has had a chance to observe and give feedback. Mars can also tend to panic and rush into action without much thought when it feels threatened.
We can see this as many of are getting restless and some of us [individuals, communities, governments] are impatient and angry with the restrictions and delays that have come with covid-19. While Aries can be courageous and pioneering, the shadow side can be aggressive, confrontational and selfish – potentially narcissistic in its extreme pathology - similar to Eris who is a companion of Mars. However, we need to remember Mars’ reactions may also be a response to fear and grief. Perhaps this awareness can allow us to have more compassion for those displaying the shadowy angry and aggressive side of Mars.
Chiron feels very differently, but I will leave him until last, as from my perspective He holds the key to healing. He is also in Aries, but travelling in early degrees away from Mars, Eris and Black Moon Lilith.
What’s happening on the ‘other side’?
Saturn is leading the Capricorn pack and is big on RESPONSIBILITY, DUTY and DOING THE RIGHT THING but His shadow side can be AUTHORITARIAN, JUDGEMENTAL and FEARFUL / DEPRESSED and He can get a buzz from having a lot of power. Team Saturn is very happy with lock downs, face-masks and all the restrictions as it gives it a sense of SECURITY. We can also see people becoming more judgemental of their neighbours who are not doing the ‘right thing’ and others who are falling into falling into anxiety and despair.
Both Aries and Capricorn like to be in control and can be prone to depression / anxiety – but react very differently: Aries with anger / aggression and Capricorn with shutting down and becoming more cautious and rigid. Both can also tend to bully to get their own way, especially when they feel threatened.
So, there are really four archetypes in operation here as each archetype’s shadow comes into play. OUR CHALLENGE IS TO BE CONSCIOUS OF WHEN WE ARE FALLING INTO THE SHADOW: some of us may swing between the four archetypes – constructive Aries and Capricorn or shadow Aries and Capricorn - depending on the situation and our level of anxiety. Beware when you are becoming angry, aggressive, BLAMING or falling into despair. This does not mean avoiding looking at what has gone wrong and how it can be fixed; it means trying to be part of the solution, not exacerbating the polarization and intensifying the conflict.
Any practice that helps you to feel more centred [in your heart] can be useful now …and as someone in one of my classes said recently, remember to breathe
You may find yourself vacillating between these two archetypes, or know you are clearly on one side. Have a think about how you feel about:
Chiron: the key to healing?
Chiron, the archetype of the Wounded Healer, is travelling with the Aries group, but a fair way apart, as you would expect from a loner and maverick, and I feel He holds the key to the answer. I think his distance is very telling as well as it gives Him the perspective to see everything from a more objective viewpoint, something Mars cannot do as He is working from adrenaline. At a soul level Chiron is always challenging us to reconcile opposites and accept our differences rather than suffer the pain of internal or external alienation.
Chiron in Aries symbolizes the pain, grief and wounded-ness we are all feeling regards the loss of our freedom, our jobs, and even our loved ones as well as our need to isolate, wear masks and keep our distance. At one level He validates our pain for us but He also asks us to ACCEPT it, not GET STUCK there and see the larger picture. We need to own our often disenfranchised grief around all the things we have lost and will continue to lose, if we want to come to a space of personal and collective reconciliation and healing with the new reality that we inhabit. Often what is underneath our anger and rage is a deep fear and grief that needs to be made conscious. We all need safe places where we can own the complex feelings that are arising and feel held in safety – and definitely not judged. Sharing with friends, developing online communities, even writing a journal …all can be helpful.
At the collective level Chiron invites us to keep open channels of communication between those who identify as libertarians versus those who identify as responsible, not to get stuck in polarized positions, not see each as the enemy ... and to embrace the polarities internally and allow them [constructive] outlets
…essentially, how can we be responsible and still experience some sense of freedom and autonomy?
…How can we harness the dynamic pioneering spirit of Aries to find new solutions our current dilemma and create new structures [Capricorn].
Some of this is already happening; let’s hope we see more of it.
August Lunations ...a very quick look at the two lunations for August…
The Full Moon on August 4 falls at close to 12 degrees of Aquarius and forms a tight t-square to Uranus. Uranus is particularly potent now as He is close to His station and will begin His annual retrograde journey on August 16. The chart also contains Mars entering a conjunction with the Black Moon and Eris and squaring Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn; the square to Jupiter being almost exact.
Uranus square the Full Moon brings an unpredictable energy into play, especially as Uranus is stationing and preparing to move retrograde on the 16th. It emphasizes the collective instability and the call to change and awaken to new possibilities. We need to beware of impulsive and erratic behaviour that may be destructive while remaining open to new perspectives that can be liberating.
This discussion does not even touch on the virus and its political and economic implications …I will try to get my head around that next month, but the challenges there are being continually activated over the next several months and we may see more conflict[Mars in Aries]:
- Between nations
- Within nations
- Between groups in society [political, religious, ethnic etc]
- Between individuals
My suggestion is to try to make your peace with this conflict during August so you can have a clearer sense of where you stand and avoid getting drawn into unnecessary conflicts. Ultimately, we need to find ways of holding the tension between these quite different and potentially conflicting archetypes, respecting others’ viewpoints and seeing how we can create avenues for both archetypes to find expression and feel respected.
So, what is the essence of this conflict?
Mars in Aries is the Warrior and He is leading the Aries pack …as much as anyone can lead a group of Aries warriors who all have their own idea how to approach the battle. He also leads a group of wounded mavericks who [with the notable exception of Chiron] are not really interested in compromise and reconciliation. The Aries stellium wants the FREEDOM to do its own thing, but it is not very organized, especially with Eris in there, undermining everyone just for the fun of it. Team Aries is represents the committed LIBERTARIANS among us who are spoiling for a fight to protect their freedom and autonomy …they are not going to let anyone else tell them what to do, when they can do it or how it must be done. The typical Aries /Mars response to a threat is the flight or fight response …it is reactive and instinctual and happens before the logical mind has had a chance to observe and give feedback. Mars can also tend to panic and rush into action without much thought when it feels threatened.
We can see this as many of are getting restless and some of us [individuals, communities, governments] are impatient and angry with the restrictions and delays that have come with covid-19. While Aries can be courageous and pioneering, the shadow side can be aggressive, confrontational and selfish – potentially narcissistic in its extreme pathology - similar to Eris who is a companion of Mars. However, we need to remember Mars’ reactions may also be a response to fear and grief. Perhaps this awareness can allow us to have more compassion for those displaying the shadowy angry and aggressive side of Mars.
Chiron feels very differently, but I will leave him until last, as from my perspective He holds the key to healing. He is also in Aries, but travelling in early degrees away from Mars, Eris and Black Moon Lilith.
What’s happening on the ‘other side’?
Saturn is leading the Capricorn pack and is big on RESPONSIBILITY, DUTY and DOING THE RIGHT THING but His shadow side can be AUTHORITARIAN, JUDGEMENTAL and FEARFUL / DEPRESSED and He can get a buzz from having a lot of power. Team Saturn is very happy with lock downs, face-masks and all the restrictions as it gives it a sense of SECURITY. We can also see people becoming more judgemental of their neighbours who are not doing the ‘right thing’ and others who are falling into falling into anxiety and despair.
Both Aries and Capricorn like to be in control and can be prone to depression / anxiety – but react very differently: Aries with anger / aggression and Capricorn with shutting down and becoming more cautious and rigid. Both can also tend to bully to get their own way, especially when they feel threatened.
So, there are really four archetypes in operation here as each archetype’s shadow comes into play. OUR CHALLENGE IS TO BE CONSCIOUS OF WHEN WE ARE FALLING INTO THE SHADOW: some of us may swing between the four archetypes – constructive Aries and Capricorn or shadow Aries and Capricorn - depending on the situation and our level of anxiety. Beware when you are becoming angry, aggressive, BLAMING or falling into despair. This does not mean avoiding looking at what has gone wrong and how it can be fixed; it means trying to be part of the solution, not exacerbating the polarization and intensifying the conflict.
Any practice that helps you to feel more centred [in your heart] can be useful now …and as someone in one of my classes said recently, remember to breathe
You may find yourself vacillating between these two archetypes, or know you are clearly on one side. Have a think about how you feel about:
- wearing Face masks?
- Lock-downs, restrictions / recommendations on group gatherings etc? Do you accept them?
- Getting together with friends for a dinner?
- Allowing demonstrations?
Chiron: the key to healing?
Chiron, the archetype of the Wounded Healer, is travelling with the Aries group, but a fair way apart, as you would expect from a loner and maverick, and I feel He holds the key to the answer. I think his distance is very telling as well as it gives Him the perspective to see everything from a more objective viewpoint, something Mars cannot do as He is working from adrenaline. At a soul level Chiron is always challenging us to reconcile opposites and accept our differences rather than suffer the pain of internal or external alienation.
Chiron in Aries symbolizes the pain, grief and wounded-ness we are all feeling regards the loss of our freedom, our jobs, and even our loved ones as well as our need to isolate, wear masks and keep our distance. At one level He validates our pain for us but He also asks us to ACCEPT it, not GET STUCK there and see the larger picture. We need to own our often disenfranchised grief around all the things we have lost and will continue to lose, if we want to come to a space of personal and collective reconciliation and healing with the new reality that we inhabit. Often what is underneath our anger and rage is a deep fear and grief that needs to be made conscious. We all need safe places where we can own the complex feelings that are arising and feel held in safety – and definitely not judged. Sharing with friends, developing online communities, even writing a journal …all can be helpful.
At the collective level Chiron invites us to keep open channels of communication between those who identify as libertarians versus those who identify as responsible, not to get stuck in polarized positions, not see each as the enemy ... and to embrace the polarities internally and allow them [constructive] outlets
…essentially, how can we be responsible and still experience some sense of freedom and autonomy?
…How can we harness the dynamic pioneering spirit of Aries to find new solutions our current dilemma and create new structures [Capricorn].
Some of this is already happening; let’s hope we see more of it.
August Lunations ...a very quick look at the two lunations for August…
The Full Moon on August 4 falls at close to 12 degrees of Aquarius and forms a tight t-square to Uranus. Uranus is particularly potent now as He is close to His station and will begin His annual retrograde journey on August 16. The chart also contains Mars entering a conjunction with the Black Moon and Eris and squaring Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn; the square to Jupiter being almost exact.
Uranus square the Full Moon brings an unpredictable energy into play, especially as Uranus is stationing and preparing to move retrograde on the 16th. It emphasizes the collective instability and the call to change and awaken to new possibilities. We need to beware of impulsive and erratic behaviour that may be destructive while remaining open to new perspectives that can be liberating.
The New Moon in Leo falls on August 19 at close to 27 degrees of Leo and is conjunct Mercury, trine to Mars and quincunx to Saturn and Pluto. Mars is now exactly conjunct Eris, an old friend who enjoys hanging out with Mars at the battle grounds, suggesting the potential for increased chaos and disruption.
Each year the Leo New Moon illuminates the area of our chart [and psyche] where Leo is located… the area of life where we want to discover our gift for creative self-expression and may have a need for recognition, appreciation and validation. This is a great time to explore your creativity but beware the Leo shadow,
Each year the Leo New Moon illuminates the area of our chart [and psyche] where Leo is located… the area of life where we want to discover our gift for creative self-expression and may have a need for recognition, appreciation and validation. This is a great time to explore your creativity but beware the Leo shadow,
May the Goddess & God Bless You All
[email protected]
2020 Astrology
All classes have shifted online for the time being. They are still held weekly in my Zoom Room.
Please contact Christine for more information
Christine offers an in-depth psychological and mythological approach to astrology. These classes are suitable for those individuals who are wishing to learn more about themselves as well as those interested in becoming a professional astrologer.
Classes can be taken on a term by term basis and sound files are provided for any classes you miss.
First Year/ Beginners’
…on Monday evenings
Second Year / Intermediate
…on Thursday evenings
Advanced Group
Second Saturday afternoon each month.
The Advanced Classes give you the opportunity to integrate what you have learned through a seminar format that allows exposure to more advanced techniques and psychological perspectives, plus the time to develop your delineation skill.
Please ring or email for a brochure.
[email protected]
Consultations & Gift Certificates
Are now available via Skype or Zoom
…and are still recorded so the sound file link can be sent to you via email.
Gift Certificates are available for most consultations.
AN INITIAL CONSULTATION explores the soul’s journey as revealed through the personal symbol of the birth chart. The focus is on the potential inherent in the birth chart and the challenges that need to be embraced in order to realize this potential.
Other readings available include:
In-depth Consultation: Two hours to explore both the soul’s journey [see above] and the year ahead. Includes 2 supplementary e-booklets.
Chart Up-date: The Year Ahead: Explores the year ahead from a psychological perspective.
Understanding Your Child: A wonderful gift for new parents and explores a child’s unique needs, motivations, potentials and challenges.
Relationship Analysis: Helps explain the dynamic between two people to facilitate their understanding of each other and their relationship.
Relocation: Explains how a different location may impact on your psyche. This can be helpful if you are thinking of re-locating and can be included with any of the above consultations.
[email protected]
2020 Astrology
All classes have shifted online for the time being. They are still held weekly in my Zoom Room.
Please contact Christine for more information
Christine offers an in-depth psychological and mythological approach to astrology. These classes are suitable for those individuals who are wishing to learn more about themselves as well as those interested in becoming a professional astrologer.
Classes can be taken on a term by term basis and sound files are provided for any classes you miss.
First Year/ Beginners’
…on Monday evenings
Second Year / Intermediate
…on Thursday evenings
Advanced Group
Second Saturday afternoon each month.
The Advanced Classes give you the opportunity to integrate what you have learned through a seminar format that allows exposure to more advanced techniques and psychological perspectives, plus the time to develop your delineation skill.
Please ring or email for a brochure.
[email protected]
Consultations & Gift Certificates
Are now available via Skype or Zoom
…and are still recorded so the sound file link can be sent to you via email.
Gift Certificates are available for most consultations.
AN INITIAL CONSULTATION explores the soul’s journey as revealed through the personal symbol of the birth chart. The focus is on the potential inherent in the birth chart and the challenges that need to be embraced in order to realize this potential.
Other readings available include:
In-depth Consultation: Two hours to explore both the soul’s journey [see above] and the year ahead. Includes 2 supplementary e-booklets.
Chart Up-date: The Year Ahead: Explores the year ahead from a psychological perspective.
Understanding Your Child: A wonderful gift for new parents and explores a child’s unique needs, motivations, potentials and challenges.
Relationship Analysis: Helps explain the dynamic between two people to facilitate their understanding of each other and their relationship.
Relocation: Explains how a different location may impact on your psyche. This can be helpful if you are thinking of re-locating and can be included with any of the above consultations.