July 2022 Newsletter
A shorter Newsletter this month as I am focusing on the lunations. The Full Moon on July 13 is quite powerful as it is a Super Moon and forms a very dynamic T-square with Pluto, Mercury, Chiron and Eris.
The morning sky is still worth a look in the few hours before sunrise. If there is no cloud cover look to the east then the north you will find Mercury [quite faint and low to the horizon around 7am], then Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn tracing the arc of the ecliptic, the apparent path of the Sun around the Earth. Jupiter will be directly overhead and Saturn more to the north-west.
Christine Rothwell
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.christine-rothwell.com
July begins with both Pluto, Neptune and Saturn retrograde with Chiron and Jupiter joining them later in the month.
Note: All the dates below are for Australian Eastern Standard Time.
Pluto makes a big statement this month as He reaches the mid-point of his retrograde cycle on July 20 when He opposes the Sun. He also figures prominently in both the Full Moon and New Moon charts, forming a conjunction with the Moon for the Full Moon and widely opposing the Sun at the New Moon. This suggests a time of possible insight into the areas of our chart where Pluto is transiting and will be applicable to the house where Pluto is transiting [where is 27 Capricorn in your chart?] as well as any planets or points that Pluto aspects this year.
As God of the Underworld and ruler of the process of Death, Rebirth and Transformation we may find it illuminating to reflect on our personal Underworld and what we have buried there, especially around the middle of the month. More information follows.
The July 14 Full Moon falls at 21 Capricorn 21
This is the third of four full Moon Super Moons in a row and the closest one to Earth this year. A reminder: - lunar types will be very sensitive to this powerful energy and would benefit from a little quiet time to process feelings.
The annual Moon in Capricorn activates the Cancer / Capricorn polarity and invites reflection on how we balance these two energies: home life and career, public and private life, nurturing and authority, bonding and setting boundaries. This year the lunation will activate any planets or points within a 5 degree orb of the 21 degree Capricorn full moon; around 15 to 26 degrees of cardinal signs, especially Capricorn, Cancer, Aries and Libra points.
Other, specifically Capricorn issues, that may arise could include concerns around our:
This full Moon creates a t-square with Pluto conjunct the Moon and opposite the Sun conjunct Mercury; both Chiron and Eris squaring the Sun and Moon. Pluto’s involvement may highlight our shadow self and fear-based patterns, especially around issues to do with power, control, trust and betrayal. Through the illumination of these patterns, we have the opportunity to gain more insight and awareness so we can work at letting them go and find a greater sense of inner safety. Potentially this lunation calls us to re-claim our personal authority and experience empowerment that is not at the expense of others.
The square to Chiron invites us to open to the healing images in our dreams that may lead to greater self-acceptance. It may be time an opportune time to reflect on where and how you have you held yourself back because you fear the rejection of those around you.
Mercury’s involvement suggests that these issues may also play out in the area of our and communications so beware the power of both your words and your thoughts
The morning sky is still worth a look in the few hours before sunrise. If there is no cloud cover look to the east then the north you will find Mercury [quite faint and low to the horizon around 7am], then Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn tracing the arc of the ecliptic, the apparent path of the Sun around the Earth. Jupiter will be directly overhead and Saturn more to the north-west.
Christine Rothwell
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.christine-rothwell.com
- July Lunations
- 2022 Astrology Classes & Consultations
July begins with both Pluto, Neptune and Saturn retrograde with Chiron and Jupiter joining them later in the month.
Note: All the dates below are for Australian Eastern Standard Time.
- July 5: Mars to Taurus
- July 5: Mercury to Cancer
- July 13: Full Moon in Capricorn
- July 18: Venus to Cancer
- July 20: Chiron stations retrograde at 16 Aries 26
- July 20: Sun opposite Pluto
- July 23: Sun to Leo
- June 23: Venus to Gemini
- June 28: New Moon in Leo
- July 29: Jupiter stations retrograde at 8 Aries 43
Pluto makes a big statement this month as He reaches the mid-point of his retrograde cycle on July 20 when He opposes the Sun. He also figures prominently in both the Full Moon and New Moon charts, forming a conjunction with the Moon for the Full Moon and widely opposing the Sun at the New Moon. This suggests a time of possible insight into the areas of our chart where Pluto is transiting and will be applicable to the house where Pluto is transiting [where is 27 Capricorn in your chart?] as well as any planets or points that Pluto aspects this year.
As God of the Underworld and ruler of the process of Death, Rebirth and Transformation we may find it illuminating to reflect on our personal Underworld and what we have buried there, especially around the middle of the month. More information follows.
The July 14 Full Moon falls at 21 Capricorn 21
This is the third of four full Moon Super Moons in a row and the closest one to Earth this year. A reminder: - lunar types will be very sensitive to this powerful energy and would benefit from a little quiet time to process feelings.
The annual Moon in Capricorn activates the Cancer / Capricorn polarity and invites reflection on how we balance these two energies: home life and career, public and private life, nurturing and authority, bonding and setting boundaries. This year the lunation will activate any planets or points within a 5 degree orb of the 21 degree Capricorn full moon; around 15 to 26 degrees of cardinal signs, especially Capricorn, Cancer, Aries and Libra points.
Other, specifically Capricorn issues, that may arise could include concerns around our:
- authority, responsibility, boundaries
- insecurities, rejection
- activation of the inner [and outer] critic.
This full Moon creates a t-square with Pluto conjunct the Moon and opposite the Sun conjunct Mercury; both Chiron and Eris squaring the Sun and Moon. Pluto’s involvement may highlight our shadow self and fear-based patterns, especially around issues to do with power, control, trust and betrayal. Through the illumination of these patterns, we have the opportunity to gain more insight and awareness so we can work at letting them go and find a greater sense of inner safety. Potentially this lunation calls us to re-claim our personal authority and experience empowerment that is not at the expense of others.
The square to Chiron invites us to open to the healing images in our dreams that may lead to greater self-acceptance. It may be time an opportune time to reflect on where and how you have you held yourself back because you fear the rejection of those around you.
Mercury’s involvement suggests that these issues may also play out in the area of our and communications so beware the power of both your words and your thoughts
The July 29 New Moon falls at 5 Leo 38
...and illuminates the area of our chart [and psyche] where Leo is located… the area of life where we want to discover our gift for creative self-expression and may have a need for recognition, appreciation and validation.
The lunation will activate any planets or points within a 5-degree orb to the New Moon, especially planets and points around 0 to 10 degrees of fixed signs: Leo, Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio placements.
The New Moon is always an opportune time to make resolutions and begin new projects; hence this new moon challenges us to embrace our need to play [activate our inner child] shine, feel special and appreciated and perhaps embark on a creative endeavor. The proviso here is to beware the shadow side of Leo that can be egotistical and grandiose. With the heavy retrograde influence, it may be possible to discover and release blocks to self-expression.
The New Moon forms a wide [nearly 9 degrees] opposition with Pluto and a tighter [3 degrees] trine to Jupiter. The trine from Jupiter is a supportive aspect and suggests the potential to discover more confidence and optimism and perhaps the desire to expand our horizons in some way.
...and illuminates the area of our chart [and psyche] where Leo is located… the area of life where we want to discover our gift for creative self-expression and may have a need for recognition, appreciation and validation.
The lunation will activate any planets or points within a 5-degree orb to the New Moon, especially planets and points around 0 to 10 degrees of fixed signs: Leo, Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio placements.
The New Moon is always an opportune time to make resolutions and begin new projects; hence this new moon challenges us to embrace our need to play [activate our inner child] shine, feel special and appreciated and perhaps embark on a creative endeavor. The proviso here is to beware the shadow side of Leo that can be egotistical and grandiose. With the heavy retrograde influence, it may be possible to discover and release blocks to self-expression.
The New Moon forms a wide [nearly 9 degrees] opposition with Pluto and a tighter [3 degrees] trine to Jupiter. The trine from Jupiter is a supportive aspect and suggests the potential to discover more confidence and optimism and perhaps the desire to expand our horizons in some way.
May the Goddess & God Bless You All
[email protected]
2022 Astrology Classes
Beginners through to Advanced Classes
New Students welcome anytime
Please contact Christine for a brochure.
Christine offers an in-depth psychological and mythological approach to astrology. Her classes are suitable for those individuals who are wishing to learn more about themselves as well as those interested in becoming a professional astrologer.
All classes are on Zoom. Video files are provided for any classes you miss, and it is possible to enroll for video content only [correspondence].
First Year/ Beginners’
7pm Tuesday evenings in 2022
…focuses on learning how to read / delineate a horoscope and covers the elements, signs, planets, houses, aspects etc.
Second Year / Intermediate
7pm Thursday evenings in 2022
…focuses on additional points and themes in the horoscope [ lunation cycle, asteroids, Eris, Medical Astrology, Career] and Dynamic [predictive] Techniques: Transits & Progressions.
Advanced Group
Second Saturday afternoon each month.
The Advanced Classes give you the opportunity to integrate what you have learned through a seminar format that allows exposure to more advanced techniques and psychological perspectives, plus the opportunity to develop your delineation skills.
Please ring or email for a brochure.
[email protected]
For more information
are still on Zoom
and are still recorded so the sound file link can be sent to you via email.
Gift Certificates are available for most consultations.
AN INITIAL CONSULTATION explores the soul’s journey as revealed through the personal symbol of the birth chart. The focus is on the potential inherent in the birth chart and the challenges that need to be embraced to realize this potential.
Other readings available include:
In-depth Consultation: Two hours to explore both the soul’s journey [see above] and the year ahead. Includes 2 or 4 supplementary e-booklets.
Chart Up-date: The Year Ahead: Explores the year ahead from a psychological perspective.
Understanding Your Child: A wonderful gift for new parents and explores a child’s unique needs, motivations, potentials, and challenges.
Relocation: Explains how a different location may impact on your psyche. This can be helpful if you are thinking of re-locating and can be included with any of the above consultations.
[email protected]
2022 Astrology Classes
Beginners through to Advanced Classes
New Students welcome anytime
Please contact Christine for a brochure.
Christine offers an in-depth psychological and mythological approach to astrology. Her classes are suitable for those individuals who are wishing to learn more about themselves as well as those interested in becoming a professional astrologer.
All classes are on Zoom. Video files are provided for any classes you miss, and it is possible to enroll for video content only [correspondence].
First Year/ Beginners’
7pm Tuesday evenings in 2022
…focuses on learning how to read / delineate a horoscope and covers the elements, signs, planets, houses, aspects etc.
Second Year / Intermediate
7pm Thursday evenings in 2022
…focuses on additional points and themes in the horoscope [ lunation cycle, asteroids, Eris, Medical Astrology, Career] and Dynamic [predictive] Techniques: Transits & Progressions.
Advanced Group
Second Saturday afternoon each month.
The Advanced Classes give you the opportunity to integrate what you have learned through a seminar format that allows exposure to more advanced techniques and psychological perspectives, plus the opportunity to develop your delineation skills.
Please ring or email for a brochure.
[email protected]
For more information
are still on Zoom
and are still recorded so the sound file link can be sent to you via email.
Gift Certificates are available for most consultations.
AN INITIAL CONSULTATION explores the soul’s journey as revealed through the personal symbol of the birth chart. The focus is on the potential inherent in the birth chart and the challenges that need to be embraced to realize this potential.
Other readings available include:
In-depth Consultation: Two hours to explore both the soul’s journey [see above] and the year ahead. Includes 2 or 4 supplementary e-booklets.
Chart Up-date: The Year Ahead: Explores the year ahead from a psychological perspective.
Understanding Your Child: A wonderful gift for new parents and explores a child’s unique needs, motivations, potentials, and challenges.
Relocation: Explains how a different location may impact on your psyche. This can be helpful if you are thinking of re-locating and can be included with any of the above consultations.