August 2021 Newsletter
This newsletter starts with my take on the current square between Pluto and Eris then looks a the August New Moon and Full Moon
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August begins with Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Neptune, and Pluto all retrograde …and Uranus joins them on the 20th.
Note: All the dates below are for Australian Eastern Time.
More Thoughts on Pluto Square Eris and Her Mystery Teachings
Pluto squares Eris once again – for the fourth time - and I have a few more thought to share on this.
Note: I wrote about this last April and you can read more background about Eris here:
Every planet has its dark and light side, and I would like to reflect on the potential of Eris as She is currently engaged in a dance with Pluto, Lord of the Underworld. My feeling is that this this can be a powerful time for transformation for individuals, communities and nations who are prepared to own their shadow.
Eris is the Goddess of Strife and Discord, and most of you who are regular readers of my newsletter know that I see her as the astrological symbol for Covid19. She is a recent addition to our solar system and was not officially named until 2006 when She caused chaos and conflict at the International Astronomical Union as it was Her discovery in 2003 that was the catalyst for the demotion of Pluto to Dwarf Planet status. Astrologers had a good laugh at that.
In myth, Eris revels in fear, chaos, conflict and bloodshed and enjoys hanging around battlefields with Ares, the God of War …a sort of battlefield groupie, getting off on pain and hatred. She was the catalyst for the Trojan War, and watched with delight as three goddesses vied for a golden apple and each goddess lied and offered a bribe to the judge, Paris, to be proclaimed ‘the fairest’.
Today, the ‘golden apple’ that Eris has used to catalyse fear and conflict is Covid19 and we are dealing with not only the physical virus, perhaps symbolized by Neptune in Pisces, but also the virus of fear. Here are some of the issues currently creating fear in our world, but there are plenty more:
…Many of these conflicts are symbolized by the other major transit we are experiencing, Saturn’s square to Uranus.
The Eris Shadow is certainly alive and well as the fear can provoke extreme responses, but the real battleground is within us. Pluto square to Eris challenges us not to get stuck in polarized positions, but to find a way to navigate this time from our centre, without feeding the internal or external fear.
I believe Eris challenges us to stay open and listen with compassion when others don’t agree with us. It is always easy to fall into the trap of confirmation bias, where we only look for information that supports our perspective. The wonders of the internet now allow us to seek alternative viewpoints, but it is easy to get lost down rabbit holes.
My belief is that Eris has a much higher potential. She is a Kuiper Belt Object and part of the transpersonal domain. She serves the soul, but soul lessons are often met through the shadow, and our challenge is to find our way back to the light.
Pluto is engaged in this dance. We know him as the God of Death and Rebirth, and He rules the process of transformation. He too can control us through fear, and I believe that His mysteries always call us to face our fear and not let it control us. He teaches us about the power of letting go our ego-based need for control. His shadow can be dark, destructive, abusive and paranoid as well as controlling. However, His highest initiations - from an esoteric perspective - are about aligning our personal will with Divine Will and learning to trust: learning to trust the Self [or Higher Self]; learning to trust in the cycles of life [and death]; and ultimately learning to trust whatever it is we call the organizing power of the universe.
Pluto is dancing with Eris in a challenging aspect – a square -and asks us all to investigate the inner darkness and open ourselves to the potential for transformation of Eris: to heal Her of Her wounds so She can come into the light.
What might this mean?
My sense is that we are being confronted with the shadow of Eris so we can make more conscious choices. If we think of the polarity of all the states Eris is associated with, I believe we get an understanding of Her Mystery Teachings.
This means:
…and the urge to get lost in the dark becomes the urge to become conscious in the light.
New Moon at 16 Leo 14 on August 8
The New Moon is always an opportune time to make resolutions and begin new projects; hence this new moon invites us to explore our need to shine, feel special and appreciated. How can you find more authentic forms of self-expression? What holds you back from shining? The proviso here is to beware the shadow side of Leo that can be egotistical, and attention seeking. However, the heavy retrograde influence it may be possible to discover and release blocks to self-expression.
This New Moon is triggering the Saturn Uranus square with Uranus square the New Moon and Saturn opposite. This is highlighting one of the key themes for 2021: rights versus responsibilities.
Uranus square the New Moon brings an unpredictable energy into play, especially as Uranus is stationing and preparing to move retrograde on the 20th. It emphasizes the collective instability and the call to change and awaken to new possibilities. It is also a catalyst for the worldwide demonstrations against lock down, however we need to beware of impulsive and erratic behaviour that may be destructive while remaining open to new perspectives that can be liberating.
Saturn’s opposition to the New Moon reminds us that rights come with responsibilities.
We are all challenged to balance our desire for freedom [Uranus] with the need to act responsibly. My suggestion: try to stay in your heart and not react in both your personal life and as regards the current political conflict that is so much a part of our local, national and global landscape.
- Pluto square Eris
- August Lunations
- 2021 Astrology Classes
August begins with Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Neptune, and Pluto all retrograde …and Uranus joins them on the 20th.
Note: All the dates below are for Australian Eastern Time.
- August 8: New Moon in Leo
- August 12: Mercury to Virgo
- August 16: Venus to Libra
- August 20: Uranus stations retrograde
- August 22: Full Moon in Aquarius
- August 23: Sun to Virgo
- August 28: Pluto square Eris
- August 30: Mercury to Virgo
More Thoughts on Pluto Square Eris and Her Mystery Teachings
Pluto squares Eris once again – for the fourth time - and I have a few more thought to share on this.
Note: I wrote about this last April and you can read more background about Eris here:
Every planet has its dark and light side, and I would like to reflect on the potential of Eris as She is currently engaged in a dance with Pluto, Lord of the Underworld. My feeling is that this this can be a powerful time for transformation for individuals, communities and nations who are prepared to own their shadow.
Eris is the Goddess of Strife and Discord, and most of you who are regular readers of my newsletter know that I see her as the astrological symbol for Covid19. She is a recent addition to our solar system and was not officially named until 2006 when She caused chaos and conflict at the International Astronomical Union as it was Her discovery in 2003 that was the catalyst for the demotion of Pluto to Dwarf Planet status. Astrologers had a good laugh at that.
In myth, Eris revels in fear, chaos, conflict and bloodshed and enjoys hanging around battlefields with Ares, the God of War …a sort of battlefield groupie, getting off on pain and hatred. She was the catalyst for the Trojan War, and watched with delight as three goddesses vied for a golden apple and each goddess lied and offered a bribe to the judge, Paris, to be proclaimed ‘the fairest’.
Today, the ‘golden apple’ that Eris has used to catalyse fear and conflict is Covid19 and we are dealing with not only the physical virus, perhaps symbolized by Neptune in Pisces, but also the virus of fear. Here are some of the issues currently creating fear in our world, but there are plenty more:
- Catching the actual virus,
- Lockdown V stay open
- Not enough vaccinations V feeling forced to vaccinate
- Masks?
- Protecting jobs V protecting lives
- Freedom V authority
- Liberty V responsibility …and so on.
…Many of these conflicts are symbolized by the other major transit we are experiencing, Saturn’s square to Uranus.
The Eris Shadow is certainly alive and well as the fear can provoke extreme responses, but the real battleground is within us. Pluto square to Eris challenges us not to get stuck in polarized positions, but to find a way to navigate this time from our centre, without feeding the internal or external fear.
I believe Eris challenges us to stay open and listen with compassion when others don’t agree with us. It is always easy to fall into the trap of confirmation bias, where we only look for information that supports our perspective. The wonders of the internet now allow us to seek alternative viewpoints, but it is easy to get lost down rabbit holes.
My belief is that Eris has a much higher potential. She is a Kuiper Belt Object and part of the transpersonal domain. She serves the soul, but soul lessons are often met through the shadow, and our challenge is to find our way back to the light.
Pluto is engaged in this dance. We know him as the God of Death and Rebirth, and He rules the process of transformation. He too can control us through fear, and I believe that His mysteries always call us to face our fear and not let it control us. He teaches us about the power of letting go our ego-based need for control. His shadow can be dark, destructive, abusive and paranoid as well as controlling. However, His highest initiations - from an esoteric perspective - are about aligning our personal will with Divine Will and learning to trust: learning to trust the Self [or Higher Self]; learning to trust in the cycles of life [and death]; and ultimately learning to trust whatever it is we call the organizing power of the universe.
Pluto is dancing with Eris in a challenging aspect – a square -and asks us all to investigate the inner darkness and open ourselves to the potential for transformation of Eris: to heal Her of Her wounds so She can come into the light.
What might this mean?
My sense is that we are being confronted with the shadow of Eris so we can make more conscious choices. If we think of the polarity of all the states Eris is associated with, I believe we get an understanding of Her Mystery Teachings.
This means:
- Ineffectual leadership based on power to divide becomes strong leadership motivated by the desire to heal.
- Conflict over scarce resources becomes the urge to share.
- Alienation / disenfranchisement becomes inclusion and acceptance
- Conflict becomes co-operation.
- Fear and hatred become love and peace
- The urge to inflict pain is balanced by the urge to create joy
…and the urge to get lost in the dark becomes the urge to become conscious in the light.
New Moon at 16 Leo 14 on August 8
The New Moon is always an opportune time to make resolutions and begin new projects; hence this new moon invites us to explore our need to shine, feel special and appreciated. How can you find more authentic forms of self-expression? What holds you back from shining? The proviso here is to beware the shadow side of Leo that can be egotistical, and attention seeking. However, the heavy retrograde influence it may be possible to discover and release blocks to self-expression.
This New Moon is triggering the Saturn Uranus square with Uranus square the New Moon and Saturn opposite. This is highlighting one of the key themes for 2021: rights versus responsibilities.
Uranus square the New Moon brings an unpredictable energy into play, especially as Uranus is stationing and preparing to move retrograde on the 20th. It emphasizes the collective instability and the call to change and awaken to new possibilities. It is also a catalyst for the worldwide demonstrations against lock down, however we need to beware of impulsive and erratic behaviour that may be destructive while remaining open to new perspectives that can be liberating.
Saturn’s opposition to the New Moon reminds us that rights come with responsibilities.
We are all challenged to balance our desire for freedom [Uranus] with the need to act responsibly. My suggestion: try to stay in your heart and not react in both your personal life and as regards the current political conflict that is so much a part of our local, national and global landscape.
Full Moon at 29 Aquarius 36 minutes on August 22
The full moon is the second full moon in Aquarius [sometimes called a Blue Moon]. Last month we had a full moon at the beginning of Aquarius [1 degree Aquarius 26 minutes] on July 24 and this month it is at the end of Aquarius [29 degrees and 36 minutes] on August 22. One month each year we have two full moons in the same sign as there are 13 full moon each year and only twelve signs, so this is not an unusual phenomenon. It seems this year we are getting two opportunities to work the lessons involved in the Aquarius/ Leo polarity.
The Full Moon is conjunct Jupiter, which has the potential to expand any feeling state we find ourselves experiencing, both positive and negative. It also squares the nodal axis, suggesting significant turning points for anyone who has planets / points being triggered by the lunation.
As I said last month…
Each year The Full Moon in Aquarius opposes the Sun in Leo, asking us to find a way to balance our personal, ego-based needs with those of others - friends, family, partners, and members of the local community or the wider global community - and it invites us to share our thoughts and feelings in a balanced way that acknowledges our needs with the needs of others.
This full moon is a logical time to review our friendships and group commitments and see whether we feel validated in those relationships. It also invites us to see how we can contribute to society or our community as Aquarius always seeks to make a difference on a larger scale.
The full moon is the second full moon in Aquarius [sometimes called a Blue Moon]. Last month we had a full moon at the beginning of Aquarius [1 degree Aquarius 26 minutes] on July 24 and this month it is at the end of Aquarius [29 degrees and 36 minutes] on August 22. One month each year we have two full moons in the same sign as there are 13 full moon each year and only twelve signs, so this is not an unusual phenomenon. It seems this year we are getting two opportunities to work the lessons involved in the Aquarius/ Leo polarity.
The Full Moon is conjunct Jupiter, which has the potential to expand any feeling state we find ourselves experiencing, both positive and negative. It also squares the nodal axis, suggesting significant turning points for anyone who has planets / points being triggered by the lunation.
As I said last month…
Each year The Full Moon in Aquarius opposes the Sun in Leo, asking us to find a way to balance our personal, ego-based needs with those of others - friends, family, partners, and members of the local community or the wider global community - and it invites us to share our thoughts and feelings in a balanced way that acknowledges our needs with the needs of others.
This full moon is a logical time to review our friendships and group commitments and see whether we feel validated in those relationships. It also invites us to see how we can contribute to society or our community as Aquarius always seeks to make a difference on a larger scale.
May the Goddess & God Bless You All
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2021 Astrology Classes
Please contact Christine for a brochure.
Christine offers an in-depth psychological and mythological approach to astrology. Her classes are suitable for those individuals who are wishing to learn more about themselves as well as those interested in becoming a professional astrologer.
All classes are on Zoom. Video files are provided for any classes you miss, and it is possible to enrol for a video content only [correspondence].
First Year/ Beginners’
7pm on Thursday evenings in 2021
…focuses on learning how to read / delineate a horoscope
Second Year / Intermediate
at 7pm Monday evenings in 2021
…focuses on dynamic [predictive] techniques.
Advanced Group
Second Saturday afternoon each month.
The Advanced Classes give you the opportunity to integrate what you have learned through a seminar format that allows exposure to more advanced techniques and psychological perspectives, plus the opportunity to develop your delineation skills.
Please ring or email for a brochure.
[email protected]
For more information
are now on Zoom
and are still recorded so the sound file link can be sent to you via email.
Gift Certificates are available for most consultations.
AN INITIAL CONSULTATION explores the soul’s journey as revealed through the personal symbol of the birth chart. The focus is on the potential inherent in the birth chart and the challenges that need to be embraced to realize this potential.
Other readings available include:
In-depth Consultation: Two hours to explore both the soul’s journey [see above] and the year ahead. Includes 2 supplementary e-booklets.
Chart Up-date: The Year Ahead: Explores the year ahead from a psychological perspective.
Understanding Your Child: A wonderful gift for new parents and explores a child’s unique needs, motivations, potentials, and challenges.
Relocation: Explains how a different location may impact on your psyche. This can be helpful if you are thinking of re-locating and can be included with any of the above consultations.
[email protected]
2021 Astrology Classes
Please contact Christine for a brochure.
Christine offers an in-depth psychological and mythological approach to astrology. Her classes are suitable for those individuals who are wishing to learn more about themselves as well as those interested in becoming a professional astrologer.
All classes are on Zoom. Video files are provided for any classes you miss, and it is possible to enrol for a video content only [correspondence].
First Year/ Beginners’
7pm on Thursday evenings in 2021
…focuses on learning how to read / delineate a horoscope
Second Year / Intermediate
at 7pm Monday evenings in 2021
…focuses on dynamic [predictive] techniques.
Advanced Group
Second Saturday afternoon each month.
The Advanced Classes give you the opportunity to integrate what you have learned through a seminar format that allows exposure to more advanced techniques and psychological perspectives, plus the opportunity to develop your delineation skills.
Please ring or email for a brochure.
[email protected]
For more information
are now on Zoom
and are still recorded so the sound file link can be sent to you via email.
Gift Certificates are available for most consultations.
AN INITIAL CONSULTATION explores the soul’s journey as revealed through the personal symbol of the birth chart. The focus is on the potential inherent in the birth chart and the challenges that need to be embraced to realize this potential.
Other readings available include:
In-depth Consultation: Two hours to explore both the soul’s journey [see above] and the year ahead. Includes 2 supplementary e-booklets.
Chart Up-date: The Year Ahead: Explores the year ahead from a psychological perspective.
Understanding Your Child: A wonderful gift for new parents and explores a child’s unique needs, motivations, potentials, and challenges.
Relocation: Explains how a different location may impact on your psyche. This can be helpful if you are thinking of re-locating and can be included with any of the above consultations.