February 2025 Newsletter
This month sees two intense lunations: the Leo full Moon with a tight square to Uranus and a Pisces New Moon with a huge line up in Pisces.
Christine Rothwell 🙏🏼
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.christine-rothwell.com
February begins with only Mars and Jupiter retrograde. Jupiter will station direct on February 4 and Mars on the 24th.
Note: all dates are for Australian Eastern Daylight Time.
Nodes to the Pisces Virgo Polarity
The nodal axis changed signs last month – around January 23 - when it retrograded into the Pisces Virgo polarity, joining Neptune and Saturn who are currently transiting Pisces. The eclipses will highlight these signs over the next year or two as well, acting as markers in the nodal cycle. The New Moon later this month will see the Sun Moon, Mercury and Ceres all in this watery sign …more on this later when I discuss the New Moon.
The Nodal Cycle is an 18.6 year cycle so the nodes spend about 18 months in each sign as they move backwards – or retrograde – through the zodiac. Since July 2023 the north node has been travelling through the Aries Libra polarity but around January 23 the North Node moved into Pisces – and the South Node into Virgo - and will remain in these signs until July 2026.
It is important to note that we are dealing with a polarity or axis and the North Node is always exactly opposite the South Node. The nodal axis speaks of the potential integration of the Solar and Lunar principles and challenges us to work with the polarity in terms of signs & houses it activates, and bring them into relationship.
The sign of the transiting North Node and the house it is transiting in the personal horoscope is where we are called to grow and become more conscious, where we may be challenged to open ourselves to new experiences …this is the house or houses where Pisces is located in your horoscope. Aries challenged us to become more independent, dynamic, courageous and assertive and some lived the shadow and became more confrontational and aggressive. The shift to sensitive Pisces calls us to become more caring and compassionate, honour our sensitivity and intuition and find ways to access our and creativity. It speaks of the need for stillness, contemplation and connecting with and attending to our Higher Self, however or whatever we imagine this to be. If we fall into the shadow here, we may become deluded, confused and disappointed. It is a time to practice compassion and empathy and listen to our dreams and inner voices.
The sign of the transiting South Node and the house it is transiting in the personal horoscope is where we may be called to understand and release old patterns, let go the past release our creativity and gifts: this will be the house/ where Virgo is found in your horoscope. If we have fallen into the Virgo shadow, we may find ourselves more [self] critical and perfectionist and focused on the details but if we can use this energy correctly it can provide us with the grounding and practicality to manifest our dreams.
February 13 Full Moon in Leo
On February 13 the Full Moon in Leo will occur just after midnight – at 0.53am – at close to 24 Leo with Uranus in a tight square to the Sun and Moon at 23 Taurus 20. This lunation will activate any planets around 23 to 24 degrees of fixed signs [Taurus, Leo. Scorpio and Aquarius] and perhaps planets up to around 26 or 27 degrees who have had Uranus aspect them last year. With Uranus so prominent it may be a call to ‘wake up’ and make some long-needed changes, perhaps doing things differently or choosing to consciously respond rather than react if we find ourselves in chaotic or confronting situations.
Christine Rothwell 🙏🏼
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.christine-rothwell.com
- Nodes to the Pisces Virgo Polarity
- February Full Moon
- February New Moon
- Mars Retrograde Update
- 2025 Astrology Classes & Consultations
February begins with only Mars and Jupiter retrograde. Jupiter will station direct on February 4 and Mars on the 24th.
Note: all dates are for Australian Eastern Daylight Time.
- February 4: Venus to Aries
- February 4: Jupiter stations direct
- February 13: Full Moon in Leo
- February 14: Mercury to Pisces
- February 18: Sun to Pisces
- February 28: New Moon in Pisces
Nodes to the Pisces Virgo Polarity
The nodal axis changed signs last month – around January 23 - when it retrograded into the Pisces Virgo polarity, joining Neptune and Saturn who are currently transiting Pisces. The eclipses will highlight these signs over the next year or two as well, acting as markers in the nodal cycle. The New Moon later this month will see the Sun Moon, Mercury and Ceres all in this watery sign …more on this later when I discuss the New Moon.
The Nodal Cycle is an 18.6 year cycle so the nodes spend about 18 months in each sign as they move backwards – or retrograde – through the zodiac. Since July 2023 the north node has been travelling through the Aries Libra polarity but around January 23 the North Node moved into Pisces – and the South Node into Virgo - and will remain in these signs until July 2026.
It is important to note that we are dealing with a polarity or axis and the North Node is always exactly opposite the South Node. The nodal axis speaks of the potential integration of the Solar and Lunar principles and challenges us to work with the polarity in terms of signs & houses it activates, and bring them into relationship.
The sign of the transiting North Node and the house it is transiting in the personal horoscope is where we are called to grow and become more conscious, where we may be challenged to open ourselves to new experiences …this is the house or houses where Pisces is located in your horoscope. Aries challenged us to become more independent, dynamic, courageous and assertive and some lived the shadow and became more confrontational and aggressive. The shift to sensitive Pisces calls us to become more caring and compassionate, honour our sensitivity and intuition and find ways to access our and creativity. It speaks of the need for stillness, contemplation and connecting with and attending to our Higher Self, however or whatever we imagine this to be. If we fall into the shadow here, we may become deluded, confused and disappointed. It is a time to practice compassion and empathy and listen to our dreams and inner voices.
The sign of the transiting South Node and the house it is transiting in the personal horoscope is where we may be called to understand and release old patterns, let go the past release our creativity and gifts: this will be the house/ where Virgo is found in your horoscope. If we have fallen into the Virgo shadow, we may find ourselves more [self] critical and perfectionist and focused on the details but if we can use this energy correctly it can provide us with the grounding and practicality to manifest our dreams.
February 13 Full Moon in Leo
On February 13 the Full Moon in Leo will occur just after midnight – at 0.53am – at close to 24 Leo with Uranus in a tight square to the Sun and Moon at 23 Taurus 20. This lunation will activate any planets around 23 to 24 degrees of fixed signs [Taurus, Leo. Scorpio and Aquarius] and perhaps planets up to around 26 or 27 degrees who have had Uranus aspect them last year. With Uranus so prominent it may be a call to ‘wake up’ and make some long-needed changes, perhaps doing things differently or choosing to consciously respond rather than react if we find ourselves in chaotic or confronting situations.
Generally speaking, full moons highlight a sign and house polarity as the Moon opposes the Sun. This full moon emphasizes the Leo / Aquarius polarity and asks us to reflect on how we balance these two energies. The Leo archetype encompasses the performer and the monarch [King and Queen] while the Aquarian archetype includes the rebel, the reformer, the humanitarian and the social worker. Leo’s challenge is to master the ego while the Aquarian challenge is to be a vehicle for reform and social change.
Leo is a fire sign and its special gifts are leadership, charisma and enthusiasm. The full Moon in Leo invites us to become aware of what ‘feeds our fire’ and brings passion into our lives as well as highlighting our need to find and express our special gifts and share them with the world, or at least with those who are near and dear to us. We may all feel the need to be validated and special and this is a gift you can give your loved ones at this time.
While this is a wonderful time to validate the people who inspire you, beware of the shadow side of Leo, the Lion who is not validated and resorts to disruptive and attention seeking behaviour. Try to become conscious or your own needs for recognition and find some healthy outlets for them.
February 28 New Moon in Pisces
On February 28 the New Moon in Pisces will occur at 11.44 AEDT. The New Moon [Sun and Moon conjunct] joins Ceres, Saturn Mercury, North Node and Neptune all in Pisces …a massive Piscean constellation that includes a conjunction of the North Node and Neptune.
Leo is a fire sign and its special gifts are leadership, charisma and enthusiasm. The full Moon in Leo invites us to become aware of what ‘feeds our fire’ and brings passion into our lives as well as highlighting our need to find and express our special gifts and share them with the world, or at least with those who are near and dear to us. We may all feel the need to be validated and special and this is a gift you can give your loved ones at this time.
While this is a wonderful time to validate the people who inspire you, beware of the shadow side of Leo, the Lion who is not validated and resorts to disruptive and attention seeking behaviour. Try to become conscious or your own needs for recognition and find some healthy outlets for them.
February 28 New Moon in Pisces
On February 28 the New Moon in Pisces will occur at 11.44 AEDT. The New Moon [Sun and Moon conjunct] joins Ceres, Saturn Mercury, North Node and Neptune all in Pisces …a massive Piscean constellation that includes a conjunction of the North Node and Neptune.
This powerful Neptune / Pisces energy can have many positive as well as challenging effects including enhanced sensitivity on all levels – physical, emotional and energetic - which can be wonderful for our spiritual practice, inner work, intuition and creativity, but much more challenging for getting things done in the ‘real’ world.
Neptune and Pisces are also associated with confusion and possible delusion so beware of the shadow Pisces and Neptune energy with its tendency to indulge in:
At its purest expression, this Pisces New Moon can assist us to open our hearts and minds to the transpersonal and imaginal realms and to re-awaken us to the power of our dreams as well as the power of love and compassion…to see all life forms as one.
One way of honouring this energy is to take some time out to attend to our dreams and inner world, and to allow our feelings space to be felt and honoured.
Mars Retrograde Update
Mars stationed retrograde on December 7 [AEDT] - at close to 6 degrees of Leo and will remain retrograde until February 24 when He turns direct at close to 17 Cancer, but He will not leave the retrograde loop – and recover all the degrees He retrograded over – until May 12.
The time from February 24 through to May 12 is the time to try new tactics and put into action new strategies that may have come to light as possibilities during the retrograde phase. If a project has been delayed and we still have passion for it, we may be called to approach it differently.
Ask yourself what habits and responses no longer serve you and how can you do things differently, especially in the area of the chart where 17 Cancer to 6 Leo falls. Remember, this is an opportunity to become conscious of our habitual patterns and reactions and TO CONSCIOUSLY ACT DIFFERENTLY.
Neptune and Pisces are also associated with confusion and possible delusion so beware of the shadow Pisces and Neptune energy with its tendency to indulge in:
- escapism / self-medication as a means of avoiding uncomfortable truths [alcohol, food, retail therapy etc]
- denial, self-deception & delusion
- retreating into cynicism or a victim mentality.
At its purest expression, this Pisces New Moon can assist us to open our hearts and minds to the transpersonal and imaginal realms and to re-awaken us to the power of our dreams as well as the power of love and compassion…to see all life forms as one.
One way of honouring this energy is to take some time out to attend to our dreams and inner world, and to allow our feelings space to be felt and honoured.
Mars Retrograde Update
Mars stationed retrograde on December 7 [AEDT] - at close to 6 degrees of Leo and will remain retrograde until February 24 when He turns direct at close to 17 Cancer, but He will not leave the retrograde loop – and recover all the degrees He retrograded over – until May 12.
The time from February 24 through to May 12 is the time to try new tactics and put into action new strategies that may have come to light as possibilities during the retrograde phase. If a project has been delayed and we still have passion for it, we may be called to approach it differently.
Ask yourself what habits and responses no longer serve you and how can you do things differently, especially in the area of the chart where 17 Cancer to 6 Leo falls. Remember, this is an opportunity to become conscious of our habitual patterns and reactions and TO CONSCIOUSLY ACT DIFFERENTLY.
May the Goddess & God Bless You All
[email protected]
2025 Astrology Classes
Beginners through to Advanced levels
Christine offers an in-depth psychological and mythological approach to astrology. Her classes are suitable for those individuals who are wishing to learn more about themselves as well as those interested in becoming a professional astrologer.
First Year/ Beginners’
First year is only available as Video Only. Please inquire for more information.
First year focuses on learning how to read / delineate a horoscope and covers the elements, signs, planets, houses, aspects etc.
Second Year / Intermediate
Second year is also available as Video Only and focuses on additional points and themes in the horoscope [ lunation cycle, asteroids, Eris, Medical Astrology, Career] and Dynamic [predictive] Techniques: Transits & Progressions.
Advanced Group
Begins online – on Zoom – Thursday evenings in February 2025.
The Advanced Classes give you the opportunity to integrate what you have learned through a seminar format that allows exposure to more advanced techniques and psychological perspectives, plus the opportunity to develop your delineation skills.
Please email for a brochure.
[email protected]
Or visit
For more information
are now on Zoom
and are still recorded so the sound file link can be sent to you via email.
Gift Certificates are available for most consultations.
explores the soul’s journey as revealed through the personal symbol of the birth chart. The focus is on the potential inherent in the birth chart and the challenges that need to be embraced to realize this potential.
Also available as an…
In-depth Consultation Two hours to explore both the soul’s journey [see above] and the year ahead. Includes 2 or 4 supplementary e-booklets.
Chart Up-date: The Year Ahead
Explores the year ahead from a psychological perspective
Understanding Your Child: A wonderful gift for new parents and explores a child’s unique needs, motivations, potentials, and challenges.
[email protected]
2025 Astrology Classes
Beginners through to Advanced levels
Christine offers an in-depth psychological and mythological approach to astrology. Her classes are suitable for those individuals who are wishing to learn more about themselves as well as those interested in becoming a professional astrologer.
First Year/ Beginners’
First year is only available as Video Only. Please inquire for more information.
First year focuses on learning how to read / delineate a horoscope and covers the elements, signs, planets, houses, aspects etc.
Second Year / Intermediate
Second year is also available as Video Only and focuses on additional points and themes in the horoscope [ lunation cycle, asteroids, Eris, Medical Astrology, Career] and Dynamic [predictive] Techniques: Transits & Progressions.
Advanced Group
Begins online – on Zoom – Thursday evenings in February 2025.
The Advanced Classes give you the opportunity to integrate what you have learned through a seminar format that allows exposure to more advanced techniques and psychological perspectives, plus the opportunity to develop your delineation skills.
Please email for a brochure.
[email protected]
Or visit
For more information
are now on Zoom
and are still recorded so the sound file link can be sent to you via email.
Gift Certificates are available for most consultations.
explores the soul’s journey as revealed through the personal symbol of the birth chart. The focus is on the potential inherent in the birth chart and the challenges that need to be embraced to realize this potential.
Also available as an…
In-depth Consultation Two hours to explore both the soul’s journey [see above] and the year ahead. Includes 2 or 4 supplementary e-booklets.
Chart Up-date: The Year Ahead
Explores the year ahead from a psychological perspective
Understanding Your Child: A wonderful gift for new parents and explores a child’s unique needs, motivations, potentials, and challenges.